ISO 14001 Requirements Test

With everybody becoming more ‘environmentally aware’, our businesses need to understand what processes we use and how we implement them – as do our customers, so much so that many more users of our products and services need to know not only what our processes are but how we use best practice to actually implement them – in many regions of the world suppliers can only get on to a tender list by demonstrating their ‘environmentally friendly’ methods and approach.

The ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard requirements aim to help your business decrease the waste and pollution that it produces so reducing your environmental footprint.

Of course this brings other advantages by offering lower costs from energy saving through to recycling of waste etc.

Much of the documentation needed for the 14001 Environmental Management Standard is the same as that for ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard therefore offering a cost saving if both standards are introduced together.

To find out how close you are to meeting the relevant ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard requirements just answer these questions:

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